Chronic Fatigue | It’s All In Your…Gut?

Chronic Fatigue | It’s All In Your…Gut?

For years, it was thought that chronic fatigue was more or less in the head of sufferers — now it turns out it may actually be in the gut! For many, living with chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS can really hinder one’s ability to participate in even the most simple of daily activities. And even though over one million people currently have ME/CFS, there still isn’t a universal treatment option or even a...

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How to Spot Addiction vs. Physical Dependence

How to Spot Addiction vs. Physical Dependence

A physician’s day is filled with tending to patients, filling out paperwork, and prescribing medications. In doing the latter, it can be tough to determine who really needs medications and who doesn’t. Addiction and physical dependence are two very different needs in the medical world and telling the difference can be tough. Here are some ways doctors can spot addiction and make judgments based on physical needs and craving. Addiction...

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Marijuana in Psychiatry: An Overview

Marijuana in Psychiatry: An Overview

According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug. With debates across the nation regarding legality, marijuana is widely used by teens and adolescents. Many advocates defend their stance on the controversial subject by citing health benefits of the drug, and others find that it does more harm. Furthermore, there are controversial claims for the effects of marijuana in...

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Beating Hypochondria: How Doctors Can Help

Beating Hypochondria: How Doctors Can Help

As a physician, it is already tough dealing with multiple tough patients with physical issues. So dealing with a patient suffering from hypochondria can make your day feel even longer. But these patients do have their own issues and shouldn’t just be pushed aside because their symptoms are not physically real. What is Hypochondria? Hypochondria is a term that gets thrown around more loosely now when someone feels sick. But for many,...

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Phantom Pains: The Spooky Ailment

Phantom Pains: The Spooky Ailment

With Halloween right around the corner, you can expect some ghosts, ghouls, and a number of other scary creatures to appear this October. However, one particularly spooky health issue has plagued thousands, and doctors are still working to fully understand the ghostly disorder known as: phantom pains. The Origins              Discovered all the way back in 1551 by a French military surgeon, phantom pains occur when a patient feels...

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How To Spot Wellness Evangelism

How To Spot Wellness Evangelism

A History of Wellness Evangelism It may seem like there’s always a new diet trend or three that pops up every year. And that’s because that is totally the case. The past few decades are a string of diet trends, which could effectively mark each year. 1983? Oh you mean, the year of Jenny Craig. And as far as 2016, this is the year of “clean eating”. It’s hard to keep up with the latest fads and the reasons why sane human...

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