The Social Media Etiquette “Don’ts” for Docs

The Social Media Etiquette “Don’ts” for Docs

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Technology is our lives. Let’s be real. Where would we be without the illumination of our little-beloved boxes that keep us feeling like we have the entire world in our pockets and purses? It hasn’t been long that we’ve been so ingrained into using social media in every spare moment of our day. We have to come to terms with the fact that it’s here to stay and only going to be more and more crucial to our everyday routine. In fact, social media etiquette plays a very important role in the healthcare field.

Even those considered to be held to a higher standard (like healthcare professionals) need to blow off a little steam every now and again. However, just because you have the power to send your thoughts out into the viral stratosphere, doesn’t mean you always should. Social media etiquette plays a very important role in the healthcare field. In an industry that’s built on your integrity and authenticity, your social media presence plays a huge factor in your success as a healthcare professional.           

social media etiquetteSocial media is dangerous as hell. It’s ruined entire careers. I mean, there are stories all the time about people who get fired from jobs 30 minutes after the intervie. This is usually becasue of a SUPER bad error in judgment involving something they post on their social media accounts. Social media etiquette quickly has become just as important as a resume or your interview skills. So although it helps us reach a creative outlet, connect with our friends (and connect with our not-friends), and keep us up-to-date with trends…it can devastate entire lives if not preceded with the utmost caution. It’s time to take a look at some of the social media etiquette “dont’s” to abide by.

Social Media Etiquette “Don’ts”

Stay Hip With HIPAA

The Hazards of HIPAA violation should already be ingrained in your mind and stuck on repeat like a broken record. You want to be careful to protect your patients’ private information. Proper social media etiquette for doctor’s mean that you’ll maintain doctor-patient confidentiality.  You must maintain it even if you’d like nothing more than to rant and rave about a difficult patient. Even when there are times letting off steam by tweeting about a silly patient, you must refrain. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES comment about patients or any things that occur in the practice.

No Online Advice For Free

Avoid advice: Don’t give specific medical advice online. You don’t want to risk giving out some bad medical advice without physically examining someone. That’s not professional. Giving the wrong medical consul may impact your career and tarnish your reputation. If you think telehealth is a career you’d like to pursue, then start looking for careers that will actually pay you to help people over the web.

social media etiquette

Keep Your Distance

Keep your personal life separate: Beware befriending patients on your social pages. Keep that life to yourself. Think about it. Patients are not going to trust you professionally if they see you reblogging memes or posting pictures of you holding a dry martini.

Keep the Complaints to Yourself

Don’t complain: First off, whether you’re a mature MD or a 15-year-old school girl, complaining on Facebook is a huge turn-off. Don’t complain about your day, your work, your colleagues, or ANYTHING. Don’t announce you’re dreading going to work, don’t nag about your neighbor’s loud music, just don’t. Venting is healthy. But, just talk to a friend and don’t let it leak online.

Stay Out of Social Media Beef

When it comes to proper social media etiquette for doctors, don’t pay the troll toll: There’s no reason for getting involved in conflicts online. It’s only going to diminish your credibility and frankly, it’s just plain petty. Keep yourself out of the controversy.

It’s important to remember that you’re a professional healthcare provider. While it’s your right to express your opinion however you’d like, it’s also important that you realize how much your social media presence can affect you. Social media etiquette is something that you need to be mindful of as you work your way up through your career. As always, if you have any other “don’ts” for social media etiquette, feel free to leave a comment below! If you’re looking for a healthcare career, feel free to search our extensive job database.

Author: Locum Jobs Online

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