Chronic Fatigue | It’s All In Your…Gut?

Chronic Fatigue | It’s All In Your…Gut?

For years, it was thought that chronic fatigue was more or less in the head of sufferers — now it turns out it may actually be in the gut! For many, living with chronic fatigue syndrome / myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS can really hinder one’s ability to participate in even the most simple of daily activities. And even though over one million people currently have ME/CFS, there still isn’t a universal treatment option or even a...

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Yo-Yo Dieting & Fad Diets

Yo-Yo Dieting & Fad Diets

Yo-yo dieting is a new and increasingly popular trend for weight loss. Doctors are starting to see it throughout the country, whether it’s young adults or older adults. People that engage in yo-yo dieting – also called weight cycling – don’t realize the adverse effects on the body. There are also many fad diets that are also considered yo-yo diets that you should look out for. Reasons for Yo-Yo Diets Many people don’t even realize...

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Coffee Alternatives: The Caffeine Crisis

Coffee Alternatives: The Caffeine Crisis

It’s no secret that coffee, or caffeine in any form for that matter, can be a physician’s best friend. However, too much coffee or caffeine can be very detrimental to your health. While we realize that long shifts and a stressful work environment can often make it tough to get the proper amount of sleep. Relying on coffee and other caffeinated beverages can cause muscle tremors, heart palpitations, and various stomach issues. Luckily,...

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5 Foods to Boost the Immune System

5 Foods to Boost the Immune System

Let’s be honest. You work with sick and injured people for a living, so it’s no shocker that your immune system is going to take a beating this winter. While you may have built up a stronger immune system than most because of your career, it’s still important that you take precautions when the winter cold and flu bugs hit. There are a variety of ways to boost the immune system, from working out, to taking vitamins, to getting a good...

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How To Spot Wellness Evangelism

How To Spot Wellness Evangelism

A History of Wellness Evangelism It may seem like there’s always a new diet trend or three that pops up every year. And that’s because that is totally the case. The past few decades are a string of diet trends, which could effectively mark each year. 1983? Oh you mean, the year of Jenny Craig. And as far as 2016, this is the year of “clean eating”. It’s hard to keep up with the latest fads and the reasons why sane human...

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ProduceRx: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

ProduceRx: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

This month has marked the start of the Penn State Health System’s innovative program called ProduceRx. Although it’s an ancient idea, treating food as medicine is getting a modern update. With so many diseases that can be prevented with a proper diet, it’s amazing how food gets overlooked in healthcare. Things like obesity, certain types of cancers, osteoporosis and others can all be better prevented through...

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