Why Doctors Always Seem Happy

Why Doctors Always Seem Happy

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Doctors always seem happy

For patients, doctors usually appear perpetually chipper, always friendly and in the best spirits. But, the reality is that often times behind that jolly, energized exterior lives a burned-out, over-worked spazz. So what is a physician’s secret to keeping up with appearances? I think it stems heavily from the vibes we get from our environments. Despite the fast-paced and overwhelming nature of a doctor’s career, there’s still a lot of stuff that puts a smile on our faces at the end of the day.

Why Doctors Always Seem Happy

Chatting with your patients.

Engaging in a little more conversation that necessary can do a lot to improve your well-being. It makes your job feel less like work and you get a chance to feel good from making other people feel good. A patient will really feel like you are going above and beyond for them by taking genuine interest in their life. Regular patients can become dear acquaintances. It does a lot to bring some sanity to the insane workday in the healthcare industry. Doctors are happy because they get to know the people they help and are making a difference in the community. Nothing beats the sincere “thank you’s” you get from a sick patients you were able to treat all the way until they recovered.

Mutual respect with colleagues.

Happy co-workers create happy workplaces. When you are able to appreciate the people you work with and genuinely treat them with the utmost respect, more times or not, you’ll receive it in return. Lend a hand to a colleague if they’re struggling. It will make you feel great that you could assist them and they will be grateful. Physicians are typically very kind to one another because they realize the importance and high-stress of the job.

Forever learning.

A physician may have completed medical school ages ago, but they never will stop learning. Doctors are in good spirits because they constantly are seeing new things everyday. Challenging yourself and growing as a person keeps life fresh and exciting.

A lot of physicians have positive opinions of themselves. But, not in the bad sense of the phrase.  It certainly isn’t selfish to think highly of the good things you’ve done and be proud of your achievements as long as you are appreciative of how lucky you are. Being a doctor is one of the most highly regarded professions in the United States. Also, doctors are synonymous with being heroes. Doctors treat pain, calm nerves and save lives. Plus, it takes a lot of endurance, quick thinking and years of expensive and difficult education to go into the medical field. That definitely brings pride. And being happy with the person you have become does a lot to put a smile on your face.

Duty to keep others relaxed.

A doctor has an obligation to their patients to do their part to make their suffering less severe. Even if a physician may be fighting mental roadblocks like stress, fatigue or even personal problems; they still must put that stuff to the side and focus on the hospital visitor. Keeping the professionalism there. When people are visiting your practice, they are usually afraid and need to be around good emotions to combat their negative ones.

Author: Locum Jobs Online

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